Emulation on Apple devices has never been as extensive as on Android. However, in recent years, the catalogue of emulators for Apple devices has increased. One of the emulators called, Delta Emulator is one of the best ones and has newly received an update which brings new features. Let us take a look.
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Delta Emulator For Nintendo Games On Your Apple Device
In a new article, the developer disclosed that Delta’s update 1.6 adds native iPad compatibility. This lets users play emulated GameBoy, NES, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64, and Nintendo DS games in full screen. Furthermore, the upgrade allows iPad users to access new controller skins made just for Apple’s tablet and imitate many games simultaneously utilising various windows, due to Stage Manager and Split View compatibility.
While the update is primarily for iPadOS, certain new features are now available to iPhone users. Most significantly, you can smoothly transition between an iPhone, iPad, and an Apple Silicon-powered Mac computer. More interestingly, the requirement for users to locate BIOS files to simulate Nintendo DS games was removed.
Delta’s 1.6 update also introduces the new app icon. Delta’s 1.6 update is now available to EU users via the AltStore PAL third-party app store. However, everyone else will need to wait just a bit longer. In a post on Threads, Testut revealed in a screenshot that Apple rejected the current version of Delta.