Despite the critical and commercial success of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, the studio behind the anime, MAPPA, has come under fire for its poor working conditions. Renowned animator Chansard Vincent, known for his work on Boruto and One Piece, has announced that he will never work for MAPPA again due to the studio’s demanding workload and toxic work environment.
Vincent took to social media to share his experiences working on Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2. He revealed that the animators were under immense pressure to meet strict deadlines, often working long hours with little sleep. This led to several scenes in the 17th episode of the season being left unfinished. Read More on BlurStory – Ranking Every One Piece Character Involved in the God Valley Incident from Weakest to Strongest
Vincent’s comments are not the first time MAPPA has been criticized for its treatment of animators. The studio has been accused of overworking its staff, leading to burnout and health problems. In addition, MAPPA has been criticized for its lack of transparency and communication with its animators.
Despite the controversy surrounding MAPPA, the studio continues to produce high-quality anime. Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 has been praised for its stunning animation and faithful adaptation of the manga. However, the success of the anime comes at a cost, as the animators working on the project are being pushed to their limits.
It is unclear whether MAPPA will address the concerns raised by its animators. However, the studio’s reputation has been tarnished by the recent allegations. It remains to be seen whether MAPPA can continue to produce high-quality anime without sacrificing the well-being of its staff.