In a recent episode of MBN’s ‘Scoop World’ aired on January 11, the life of 10-year-old Jung Cho-ha, known as ‘Little Jennie,’ unfolded, shedding light on her burgeoning career in the entertainment industry.
Cho-ha gained widespread attention for her impressive rendition of Blackpink Jennie’s ‘SOLO,’ amassing a staggering 150 million views online. Expressing her aspirations, Cho-ha stated, “I want to become a singer who brings joy and emotions to people. I’m determined to work hard and fulfil my dream.” Read More on BlurStory – BLACKPINK’s Jisoo to join Biomom for her solo activities
However, her mother, Im Ha-na, disclosed her initial reservations, emphasizing that Cho-ha was a calm and docile baby. “I opposed her entering the entertainment world. My stance was, ‘You can pursue this path once you’ve grown stronger.‘ However, my father found Cho-ha incredibly charming, urging me to enrol her in an acting academy. I resisted,” Im Ha-na shared.
As Cho-ha continued to showcase her talents, her mother’s perspective shifted. “Observing Cho-ha’s powerful performances on stage made me realize her strength. She stood out with her strong presence. There were moments I couldn’t help but get excited, and she persisted even when told to stop. She poured all her energy into her performances, displaying passion since she was a baby. Witnessing this dedication, I became confident that she would succeed,” Im Ha-na confessed.