Starship Entertainment apologised after an AI photo of IVE’s Ahn Yu-jin was shared on their Chinese social media account. On January 15, the agency released a statement saying, “We deeply apologize to Ahn Yu-jin and her fans who were hurt by the serious mistake of our employee responsible for Chinese social media on January 9.”
Starship admitted the issue happened because of poor management. The agency said, “This problem was caused by the company’s lack of proper supervision. We have taken strict action against the employee involved and removed them from all related work.” To stop this from happening again, the company added, “We will improve our management system to make sure such incidents never happen again.”
Starship also apologized directly to Ahn Yu-jin, saying they would do everything possible to protect her. The company added, “We will do our best to stop any further harm from spreading.”
The issue started when the AI Photo of Ahn Yu-jin was shared on Starship’s Chinese social media on January 9. The photo, made using AI, was shared by mistake when an employee was handling bad posts.
Source – Hankook Ilbo