In a recent interview, actor Yoo Ji Tae opened up about the prospect of facing off against his fellow action star Ma Dong-seok in a future project. Yoo Ji Tae, who recently starred in the Disney+ series “Vigilante,” expressed admiration for Ma Dong-seok and his work, but also admitted that he wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of one of his powerful punches. Read More on BlurStory – After Blackpink Red Velvet’s Future Uncertain as Contract Renewal Looms
“I’ve known Dong-seok for a long time,” Yoo Ji Tae said. “We even filmed a fight scene together in the movie ‘Late Night FM.’ I was the villain that time.”
With a laugh, he added, “Of course, I would be honoured to work with him again. But I don’t want to get hit!“
Fans of both actors have been eagerly speculating about the possibility of a showdown between them, and Yoo Ji Tae’s comments have only fueled the fire. While there are no concrete plans for a project that would bring the two together, it’s certainly a possibility that has fans excited.
In the meantime, fans can enjoy Yoo Ji Tae’s performance as the ruthless detective Jo Heon in “Vigilante,” which is now streaming on Disney+.