Meta is releasing a new feature for WhatsApp which lets users voice-chat in groups with a large number of people. This feature differs from regular voice calls as it doesn’t ping anyone else. The feature lets users quietly join in and chat without anyone else getting a regular call notification.
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WhatsApp Voice-Chat
To initiate a voice chat, the user must first open the group conversation they wish to participate in and then hit the blue voice chat button located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, to start the chat, tap the “Start Voice Chat” option. Members of the group will get a push notification to join once it starts.
It will be possible for users to join and exit the voice chat at any time without interfering with it. Additionally, text messaging will be possible for both participating and non-participating members. Other social media and messaging apps, such as Slack, Telegram, and Discord, offer comparable functionality that enables audio chat between users on the same group or server.
WhatsApp Voice-chat is being rolled out globally by Meta on Android and iOS smartphones. It is initially available for large groups of at least 33 people. When the roll-out cycle is finished, WhatsApp has stated that the feature will be accessible to everyone in the upcoming weeks.
Additionally, WhatsApp just unveiled a new voice call privacy feature that allows users to conceal their IP addresses. WhatsApp said in a blog post that it has begun to roll out an optional feature that allows users to activate the “Protect IP address in calls” option via the Privacy section of the advanced settings menu.
This is worst feature that has been added with no option to have it deactivated. Information on Reddit doesn’t work as the options to choose is not available.