
Chrome Will Be Getting The AI Gemini Nano Soon

Ever since the introduction of Artificial Intelligence technology, efforts have been made to make it more accessible. Companies are trying to integrate AI into software and streamline their use....

Spotify Claims, Apple Blocking App Updates

The new tech laws in the EU are making Apple change their ways. With the introduction of USB type C to iPhones and 3rd Party side loading, the company...

Microsoft Will Be Working On Windows 11 AI Explorer

While most people are not impressed by Windows 11, Microsoft is still improving the experience. However, it seems like Microsoft's focus is on the big picture. According to reports,...

WhatsApp Tests Pop-Out Chats for Improved Multitasking on Windows

WhatsApp is testing a new feature for its Windows beta app that aims to improve multitasking capabilities. This feature, called "pop-out chat," allows users to detach individual chat windows...
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Are EU iPhone Users Getting A Separate App Store?

Since the EU passed the DMA or Digital Markets Act, things have not been going the way for Apple. There are a lot of new rules and regulations that...


Why Yuji Itadori Can Hurt Mahito in Jujutsu Kaisen

In episode 20 of Jujutsu Kaisen, the battle between Yuji Itadori and Mahito takes an unexpected turn when Yuji manages to inflict lasting damage...

WhatsApp Launches New Voice-Chat Feature

Meta is releasing a new feature for WhatsApp which lets users voice-chat in groups with a large number of people. This feature differs from...