On September 24, the staff of the Haikyuu!! Anime franchise announced that Haikyuu!! the Movie: The Battle at the Garbage Dump will be released on Friday, February 16, 2024, in Japan. The announcement was made at Haikyu!! Festa 2023 event, in which the staff revealed the film’s first trailer and key visual. Read More – How Did Gojo Satoru Obliterate One Thousand Transfigured Humans in 299 Seconds? Explained
The film is set to be a sequel movie for the television anime’s fourth season. After Karasuno High’s win against Inarizaki High, the upcoming anime film is set to center on Karasuno High’s decisive match against Nekoma High.
Key Visual and Release Date Revealed
The key visual features Hinata Shouyo and Kenma Kozume, both of whom are set to play vital roles in the upcoming match between Karasuno High and Nekoma High. The key visual depicts the two characters facing off each other by pointing knives at one another.
The film’s first trailer started off with a flashback of Hinata and Kenma’s first encounter. Hinata was eager to go to Karasuno High, while Kenma, despite being a starter, wasn’t that interested in volleyball. However, everything was set to change after their first meeting.
Karasuno High and Nekoma High were rivals and would regularly play each other in practice matches. However, the two teams had yet to face each other in an official match in the Nationals. With the decisive match finally scheduled in the Nationals, the two teams are set to go at each other with everything they have got.
As evident from the first trailer, even Kenma, who wasn’t that interested in volleyball, can be seen giving his all, all while competing against his friend Hinata.
Alongside the animated scenes from the upcoming movie, the trailer also announced the film’s director and writer. Susumu Mitsunaka, who was majorly responsible for the anime’s first and third seasons, will be both directing and writing the scripts for Haikyuu!! the Movie: The Battle at the Garbage Dump.