Everyone likes money. Everyone wants money. So what better will it be if you could make money on your phone. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just use your phone to make some quick cash just by doing nearly nothing. Turns out, you actually can. There are multiple Money Earning Apps online that can help you earn money just by installing them or completing minor tasks. However, you should keep in mind though that some of these apps are not going to pay you a lot. But still, anything is better than nothing. Here are 5 money earning apps you can download right now.
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Miles app lets you earn money through travelling. Yeah, just travelling. All you need to do is download the app and allow location services. The app will keep tracking the amount of distance you have covered. The money you will get will strictly depend on the distance covered. So if you are a person who travels a lot, why not get this app? You can later redeem items like gift cards through the app.
Peer2Profit lets you earn just for having the app installed. You can download the app on your PC or Mobile device and the app will simply pay for having it on your device. Well it not as suspicious as it sounds. Basically the app uses your data for analytics, which is then sent to advertises for market research. Its one of the best way to get passive income.
1Q lets you earn money just by answering some simple survey questions. While it is not easier as other apps on this list, it’s the fastest way to do this. There is no minimum withdrawal limit and it links straight to Paypal. The Survey are really short and easy too. It’s one of the better apps on the list so why not give it a try.
Amazon Shopper Panel
Everyone mostly orders stuff nowadays online. And Since Amazon is one of the largest marketplaces in the world, people mostly buy stuff from there. Well, there is a way to earn money through buying online. Amazon Shopper Panel, gives you money on your receipts that you get from Amazon after shopping. All you have to do is upload 10 receipts every month and you can earn up to 10 dollars every month.
If you play games, why play them for free? Mistplay will let you earn money just by playing games. It’s really simple. Download the App, Play games, earn points and then redeem the points. You can get redeem the points many gift cards like Amazon, Steam, Xbox or other stuff.