Karina, a member of the popular K-Pop group Aespa, recently became a topic of discussion after confirming her relationship with actor Lee Jae-wook. While some fans expressed their congratulations, others reacted negatively, even holding a protest demanding an apology.
Karina addressed the situation in a handwritten letter, expressing her regret for surprising fans and acknowledging their disappointment. She emphasized her gratitude for their support and vowed to work harder in the future.
The couple’s relationship began after meeting at a fashion show in Milan earlier this year. Both agencies confirmed the news, stating that the two are “getting to know each other.”
While some fans displayed outrage through the protest, others voiced their support for Karina’s personal life. Lee Jae-wook also faced rumours of a previous relationship, which his agency vehemently denied.
Overall, the news of Karina’s relationship sparked a mixed response from fans, highlighting the complex dynamics between celebrities and their supporters.