Apple has been meddling with AI for some time now. While none of it has been available to the public, the news lately assures them they are serious about it. This is why the latest news of Apple acquiring DarwinAI can be a game changer for the Company.
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Will Apple Integrate DarwinAI to iOS 18?
The AI section of the iPhone manufacturer has welcomed DarwinAI’s staff. Apple acquired the company earlier this year, according to Bloomberg, which quotes “people with knowledge of the matter, who asked not to be identified because the deal hasn’t been announced.”
Before the release of iOS 18, which is already planned to have a lot of interesting AI-enabled capabilities. DarwinAI develops technology that enables it to “inspect components during the manufacturing process,” according to the report.
DarwinAI will also help Apple because the company has created technology that can make AI systems more efficient. This could be helpful to Apple, which is focused on running AI on devices rather than in the cloud.
Along with some very talented employees, Apple now has access to DarwinAI to help build AI as iOS 18 takes shape. Alexander Wong, an AI researcher at the University of Waterloo who contributed to the company’s development, is one of these. Wong will presumably be leading Apple’s generative AI initiative in advance of the release of iOS 18 and beyond in his new capacity as director of the company’s AI Group.