Itadori Yuji, the protagonist of the popular anime Jujutsu Kaisen, has been labelled the “most ignored main character” by some fans. Despite being the protagonist, Yuji often seems to be overshadowed by the other characters in the series, such as Gojo Satoru and Sukuna Ryomen. Read More – Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 237: What Happens After Gojo’s Death?
Why is Yuji overlooked?
There are a few reasons why Yuji may be overlooked. First, he is a relatively down-to-earth character. He is not as flashy or powerful as some of the other characters in the series, and he often takes a backseat to the more experienced jujutsu sorcerers.
Second, Yuji is often the target of the series’ antagonists. In the first season of the anime, Yuji is constantly being hunted by Mahito and other cursed spirits. This can make it difficult for viewers to connect with him, as they are constantly worried about his safety.
Is Yuji really ignored?
Despite being overlooked by some fans, Yuji is actually a very important character in Jujutsu Kaisen. He is the one who brings Gojo and Sukuna together, and he plays a key role in the fight against the cursed spirits.
Yuji is also a very complex and well-developed character. He is kind, compassionate, and always willing to put others before himself. He is also a skilled fighter who has learned to control Sukuna’s power to a certain extent.
Overall, Itadori Yuji is a great protagonist, even if he is sometimes overlooked. He is complex, well-developed, and plays an important role in the story.