According to recent reports, the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is expected to be powered by the Exynos W980 SoC. The Exynos W980 SoC has a special-purpose chip design specifically for wearable devices like the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6. It offers advanced features such as a Cortex-A77 processor, a Mali-G76 graphics processor, and a low-power processor. We expect the chip to improve battery life and add more features to the watch.
The Exynos W980 SoC is just as powerful as a traditional smartphone processor, making it easy to handle tasks like augmented reality and virtual reality gaming. This chip can also run multiple apps, making it easier for users to multitask. Additionally, the processor has a dedicated neural engine that can help process AI-enabled tasks more quickly and efficiently.
For the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6, we expect a variety of features, including a built-in LTE modem for connectivity, a heart rate monitor, and a blood oxygen monitor. We also expect the watch to have an AMOLED display and a special rugged design. The watch is expected to have a 5ATM water-resistance rating, allowing users to use it for swimming and other water-related activities.
Overall, the use of the Exynos W980 SoC in the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 is a welcome change for users. This new processor will provide more power and better battery life for a device expected to be used for everyday purposes.