South Korean stars Han So-hee and Ryu Jun-yeol have confirmed their breakup after a whirlwind romance that reportedly lasted only about two weeks. The news comes just days after a photo emerged online showing Han So-hee posing with Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman. The picture, which was reportedly taken on the same day Kidman finalized her divorce from Tom Cruise, sparked speculation about the couple’s relationship status.
Adding fuel to the fire, Han So-hee’s agency, 9 Ato Entertainment, released a statement acknowledging the split. They emphasized the importance of Han So-hee’s acting career and expressed her commitment to maintaining professionalism. The statement also addressed the controversy surrounding the photo, admitting that Han So-hee’s “way of communicating” could have been handled better.
Taking full responsibility for the situation, 9 Ato Entertainment further apologized for not providing adequate support to their actress. They acknowledged that the agency “did not function as her nest properly” and pledged to improve their management practices.
News of the breakup was confirmed by Ryu Jun-yeol’s agency, C-JeS Studio, with a brief statement. Both agencies expressed hope that fans would continue to support the actors in their respective careers.