Korean Stock Exchange Wants Entertainment Companies to Disclose Artist-Related Activities prevent to Significant market on Stock Prices. Last Month, YG Shares Plunged when news of Blackpink’s not renewing contracts broke out on the 21st of September. The Stock of YG closed at 62,800 Won in the KOSDAQ market, down from the previous day. Read More – BLACKPINK’s Lisa Spotted at After-Party with Rumored Boyfriend
YG Stock Price fell to 25.4% After reaching 83,800 Won in August.
Earlier, BTS announced a temporary suspension from group activities during live broadcasts. Hybe Entertainment stock Prices experienced a sharp decline. Hybe Lost 1.7 Trillion Won in the day due to the news. Despite Hybe’s Explanation, it still took a considerable amount of time for the stock to recover.

Due to multiple cases like these, there are growing voices in the Korean Stock Market who want companies to provide more direct disclosure of artist activities.
In particular, the exchange is taking full advantage of the comprehensive disclosure regulations currently in place. Comprehensive disclosure is a system in which listed corporations determine important information and voluntarily inform the market. The comprehensive disclosure guidelines issued by the exchange specify that disclosure must be made when exclusive management contracts with Influential celebrities that have a significant impact on sales and profits are terminated early.
In response to this movement, the entertainment artist department said, “Artist-related issues are very sensitive as they are intertwined with albums, performances, and advertisements, so we have never even thought about including them in the public notice.” On the other hand, the exchange predicts that “we can sufficiently deal with entertainment companies’ disclosure issues by utilising the current regulations,” so opposition from entertainment companies is expected in the future.