EU is seemingly looking into a new law to bring back the removable batteries in Smartphone and other devices. EU has been going back and forth with changes regarding gadgets and tech for a time. First they ordered Apple to make their iPhones be USB-C supported. EU also went off at Apple for not allowing their devices be fixed by third party companies or shops. Other changes such as side loading in devices were also made mandatory.
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EU Intentions behind Removable Batteries
Recently in an Parliamentary vote, 587 members voted in favor of removable batteries while only 9 voted against them. Since the last couple of years, EU has been making changes to tech and gadget laws to make them more consumer friendly. This was adamant with all the things they made Apple do. You can only get a USB-C supported Apple device in EU, thanks to the laws. They are trying to make the field as much consumer friendly and supporting as they can.

This is same intention behind this new law. However, the law is still in deliberation. But if it passes, we will being some new devices with removable batteries. The same kind of batteries that were featured in old Keypad phones. While, not that primitive, but something like that. The main reason behind this law is that, Phones with removable batteries are easier to repair. The change can let users fix their devices more easily.
While the law may propagate consumer friendliness, there will sure be some problems. For example, non removable batteries are necessary for slim devices. Removable batteries require extra protection and this leads to more coating of resistant stuff. Also, since the battery won’t be tightly packed, the gaps could increase the thickness.
But it may be like that this time. It’s been decades since the phones went out of style. There will surely be someone who can conjure up a better architecture and still adhere to the rules. Well, only time can tell.