Portgas D. Ace is joining the cast of Netflix’s One Piece live-action series for its second season. This thrilling announcement was made by Toshio Furukawa, the original voice actor for Ace in the anime. Furukawa will reprise his role in the Japanese dub of the live-action series, bringing the beloved character to life once again.
While the actor who will portray Ace on screen has not yet been revealed, fans are eagerly anticipating his debut. Furukawa expressed his excitement about the live-action project and shared his hopes of continuing to voice Ace in the upcoming One Piece anime remake.
“I’d love to keep voicing Ace in the remake, but I’m unsure if I’ll be asked to return. However, I will definitely be voicing Ace in the Japanese dub of the second season of the One Piece live-action,” Furukawa stated.
With Portgas D. Ace confirmed for season two, fans are more excited than ever to see how the live-action series will bring this iconic character to life.